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Co-directed by me


小超, 虔誠的基督徒,命運和上帝卻沒有眷顧他。

十六歲那年因不愛讀書,毅然逃離了制度和學校的枷鎖,帶著最普通的行裝,隻身來到了北京。原本以為找到天堂, 殊不知地獄處處。短短數個月,從認識僅小超一名流浪者,到和每一位流浪者結不深不淺的緣份。借他們雙眼看百態,看城市,紀錄生活種種,發現他們自身不為人知的秘密......

Xiaochao, a devout Christian, has not been blessed by fate and God.

At the age of sixteen, he left school and its system behind because he didn't like studying, carrying only the most basic belongings, and came to Beijing alone. He thought he had found paradise, but he didn't realize that there was a hell everywhere.

My journey with Xiaochao, take me to form shallow relationships with every other homeless person I encountered. Through their eyes, to see everything, discover the city, document various aspects of life, and discover secrets about themselves...

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